A downloadable game for Windows

The final version of this small project. 

A young girl by the name of Lyalechka wishes to travel as the people

before her did, but times have changed and the village elder 

forbids travelling. An ominous energy crowds the lands and it's

up to Lyalechka to find the source in this top-down rouguelike RPG created with RPG Maker!


Lemon's Dungeon Final Build.zip 606 MB

Install instructions

The game is presented as an installer.exe. Simply extract to the desired location on your pc  and you're good to go!

Development log


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I got the game running, but I don't understand how to play.  The only keys that seem to do anything just bring up the inventory.  It looked like I had the ability to attack for a couple minutes, but once I went to the forest, I literally can't do anything but run.  Any chance of a tutorial or similar?

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Are you speaking to the NPCs? Did you follow the instructions of the note at the starting scene indoors? Are you exploring the village? If you have any more questions, or help on the listed topics, i would urge you to interact with me on the links posted in my itch.io  profile  for more detailed answers, and a much easier way for me to interact and answer your questions. Also, Screenshots would help a lot. Thank you!

Hi, I have downloaded your game twice now and it says it can not work on my PC. : (

What is your operating system? I think my installer may have  changed something. Give me some time and i will re-upload the game.

I'm still kind of new at this :)  

I'm having the same problem

Check recent patch update. If that doesn't work, then the problem cannot be within the download file. This should work!

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This is my first serious game project that I've been working on since mid 2019 with free time. I hope you enjoy it!